Level One addresses the six most common errors riders, from novice to world-class racers, make and why. You will realise exactly how they have stopped or slowed your own improvement as a rider. There will be a technical briefing for each one including on and off-track drills that put you in control of them. Your assigned coach for the day will observe and correct any difficulties you are having with each drill. You will be coached as an individual, according to your skill level. You will improve.
Students often comment that Level One answers questions they didn’t even know they had. Confidence and control are shattered when riders experience vague fears about turn entry speed, finding good lines, bike stability and their own rider-induced errors. These fears and uncertainties are addressed and replaced with confident and precise bike control. Within the boundaries of good sense and safety, the speed you ride is up to you.
Check our schedule to find a date and track close to you.